When we last left off a minor cavalry skirmish had just taken place outside the French (Right Flank) defensive positions! |
But instead as in this picture the French cavalry was defeated. This was O.K. as I was merely attempting to try and halt the Austrians mass and make them slow a little bit! |
Meanwhile on our (Left Flank) we have lost our second BUA and front line units that were engaged since the beginning of the battle were staring to suffer from fatigue and heavy losses! We were unable to effectively Rally some of these troops and they started to fall back (Red Puffs) & rout (Yellow Puffs). Our Heavy cavalry attempted to hold our flank at the river ford! |
They are however to close to the ford and unlike this depiction will suffer for it as they suffer some disruption for having to cross a linear obstacle during their counter charge (As they were on React orders and positioned to closely) similar to the Right Flank's cavalry! |
The Austrians emboldened by their success prepare to charge once again, but as stated earlier are surprised to find that the initial charging unit was smaller than we all thought! |
Their charge commences on our Left. The Center units try and force our line to fail, and our Right is shored up by some Artillery (The best unit of the game for the French). |
The Left flank cavalry is initially successful with their charge (White Puff). While the whole in our line becomes apparent! |
Some Austrian cavalry starts taking damage from combat and Artillery (Red puff)! |
The Austrians cavalry had charged again only to have to cross the bridge and be fired into point blank by my cavalry as well as our artillery and pay for the brashness! Their charge fails and they start to try and regroup! |
So the Right flank holds while the rest of our army is in bad shape! The Austrians are prevented from taking their Main objective, but are successful overall in defeating the French. Notice my reinforcements hiding behind the BUA! |
This is a view of the overall situation at Endex as the Austrians would not be able to accomplish their Main Obj by the end of the game. |
Note: Center units which had to be rallied (Red Puffs)! |
Italian infantry! If you like any of these prints by Patrice Courcelle the originals may be purchased here; My thanks to Patrice for allowing me to use them. |
A close up of my defeated cavalry! |
And of our line troops who needed to try and Rally! |
And the Heavies who held the Left Flank! |
The Center with it's GAP! |
The well handled Austrian artillery. |
French final defensive positions! |
Austrian reserves! |
The Austrians attempting to regroup for the final push! |
A view from the Austrians perspective! |
Overall view of the Left flank and Center! |
The initial BUA #1 which fell way before we thought it would! |
Alas there would be no Gen. Desaix arriving to help us this time! |
Final view of our Left Flank! |
And the overwhelming Austrian forces which soon would have crushed it! |
Address to the Troops on the Conclusion of the First Italian Campaign, March, 1797
"Soldiers: The campaign just ended has given you imperishable renown. You have been victorious in fourteen pitched battles and seventy actions. You have taken more than a hundred thousand prisoners, five hundred field-pieces, two thousand heavy guns, and four pontoon trains. You have maintained the army during the whole campaign. In addition to this, you have sent six millions of dollars to the public treasury, and have enriched the National Museum with three hundred masterpieces of the arts of ancient and modern Italy, which it has required thirty centuries to produce. You have conquered the finest countries in Europe. The French flag waves for he first time upon the Adriatic opposite to Macedon, the native country of Alexander [the Great]. Still higher destinies await you. I know that you will not prove unworthy of them. Of all the foes that conspired to stifle the Republic in its birth, The Austrian Emperor alone remains before you. To obtain peace we must seek it in the heart of his hereditary State. You will there find a brave people, whose religion and customs you will respect, and whose prosperity you will hold sacred. Remember that it is liberty you carry to the brave Hungarian nation."
And so victory this time goes to the Austrians!

An Austrian veteran's display case in commemoration of the War of the Sixth Coalition
first half of the 19th century. Wood, historical glass, fabrics, paper, polychrome and gold-plated. Patriotic arrangement of the own victorious weapons used in the wars against Napoleon I. Symmetrical composition, fan-shaped arrangement of flintlock bayonet rifles and two gold-plated flags showing the Habsburg double-headed eagle, a three-dimensional gold-plated double-headed eagle finial at the top. Underneath a cannon and mortar barrel, bullets, drum, spade, edged weapons, helmets, hats, shakos and czapkas. Handpainted inscription "Rufft jubelnt die vereinte Krieger-Schaar. Errichtet im Jahr (blank)" and "Begrüßen dankbar jubelnd hier sich die vereinten Waffenbrüder vieder". "Gottes Segen umschwebe stets unser allgeliebtes Herrscher Paar" and "Beschützt, beglückt durch des Vaters Allmachts Güte im heißen Kampf der Kriege." at back. Glass cover. Original as found condition, partially damaged. Height 43.5 cm. Very rare!
But there will always be other opportunities/scenarios in the future for the Emperor to win!
"I was at MARENGO"
Following the victory of Marengo, private industry, develops a saber mount for the Cavalry Officer, which is called "The Marengo" and whose design is inspired by a design created by Boutet for the saber.
For officers who were in Marengo, it was a way of saying "I was at Marengo"
This blade is born and dies within the Consulate & only officers who were in Marengo are allowed to purchase this model.
You will see the similarity with the sword of Napoleon, at least in its general characteristics, save an "S" attached to the curved Gabilan through a rectangle, pin to secure the sheath in the form of half circle equipped with a Egyptian motif.
Of course these weapons were made for combat and have virtually no-frills.
"The sabre that Napoleon used at Marengo"
A gold-encrusted sword Napoleon wore into battle in Italy was sold on June 19th, 2007 for more than $6.4 million at an auction south of Paris, the auction house said.
The sword was owned by eight direct descendants of Napoleon, including Prince Victor Napoleon. Applause rang out in a packed auction hall across the street from one of Napoleon's imperial castles in Fontainebleau,a town southeast of Paris where the sword was sold.
The last of Napoleon's swords in private hands, it had been expected to fetch more than $1.6 million, the Osenat auction house, managing the sale, said. The buyer was later identified as another descendant of Jerome.
Strong enough for battle, the sword is uncommonly ornate, with geometric designs in gold covering the hilt and most of the blade. The intricately decorated blade is 32 inches in length and curves gently— based on an inspiration Napoleon drew from his Egyptian campaign, auctioneer Jean- Pierre Osenat said. The sword was carried by Napoleon — who was not yet Emperor — into the battle of Marengo in June 1800, where he launched a surprise attack to push the Austrian army fromItaly and seal France's victory.
"It's at the same time a weapon of war and a very beautiful work of art. It symbolizes more than anything else the power, the force and the incontestable strength of the Emperor Napoleon," Osenat said as he handled the sword. He wore white gloves to protect its steel and gold surfaces.
The sword was declared a national treasure in 1978, meaning that under French law it could be sold to a foreign buyer but had to remain in France for at least five months per year.

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