
Friday, December 2, 2011

New Rules set! "Field of Glory Napoleonic"

From OSPREY & Slitherine Publishing comes;

Osprey Publishing, Limited, Mar 20, 2012 - 212 pages

Field of Glory Napoleonic is being designed in an approachable and easy-to-learn manner to allow players to concentrate on realistic deployments and battlefield tactics of the early modern era. Our aim is to capture the atmosphere of battles ranging from the early wars of the French Republic through the rise of Bonaparte and the Grande Armee, to the Empire's last stand at Waterloo. This period is an ever-popular gaming period, and wargamers enjoy playing both historical battles and 'what-if' scenarios. FOGN will cater for both types of player, with a full point system allowing theoretical battles between balanced armies to be played out, as well as accommodating factual scenarios. The rulebook will maintain the same production values as previous FOG and FOGR releases and will be designed both to explain the game and be a reference guide when playing. To make the rules easier to follow, we will include examples, detailed descriptions and explanations of unusual situations in a similar way to our Ancients and Renaissance rulebooks.

About the author (2012)

Written by Slitherine, one of the top wargaminig companies in the country Alistair McCluskey is a serving officer in the British Army. He has served in the UK, Germany, Northern Ireland and Bosnia. He gained his MA at King's College, London. His interests include military history, particularly the Roman Army and World War 1, and Sunderland Football Club. The author lives in Aldershot, UK.

Peter Dennis was born in 1950. Inspired by contemporary magazines such as "Look and Learn" he studied illustration at Liverpool Art College. Peter has since contributed to hundreds of books, predominantly on historical subjects.Peter Dennis lives in Nottinghamshire, UK.

About this book;
Field of Glory Napoleonic is written in an approachable and easy-to-learn manner to allow players to concentrate on realistic deployments and battlefield tactics of the early modern era. FOGN will cater for both types of player, with a full point system allowing theoretical battles between balanced armies to be played out, as well as accommodating factual scenarios. The rulebook will maintain the same production values as previous FOG and FOGR releases and will be designed both to explain the game and be a reference guide when playing. To make the rules easier to follow, we will include examples, detailed descriptions and explanations of unusual situations in a similar way to our Ancients and Renaissance rulebooks.

  • Introduction
  • The Basics
  • Battle Groups
  • Command & Control
  • Playing
  • Movement Rules
  • Impact Phase
  • Manoeuvre Phase
  • Shooting Phase
  • Melee phase
  • The Combat Mechanism
  • Joint Action Phase
  • Battle Group Deterioration
  • Victory & Defeat
  • Special Features
  • App 1: Scales, Base Sizes & Detailed Troop Types
  • App 2:Terrain, Visibility & Disorder Effects
  • App 3:Terms
  • App 4: Full Set Up Rules
  • App 5: Army Composition & the Points System
  • App 6: Choosing, Painting & Using Your Army
  • App 7: Examples of Unusual Situations
  • App 8: Full Turn Sequence
  • Index
  • Reference Sheets
Hardback; March 2012; 148 pages; ISBN: 9781849089265

I did an extensive review on FOG for (go to

if you want to read it), and I'm not sure it will do all that well. FOG is about EMPIRE level on the complexity scale and absolutely made for tournament play. I THINK its a low level tactical game, but given it has neither a ground or time scale that might be incorrect.
I don't see folks doing Wagram with this set of rules.

Warmest regards,
/// BILL ///
Wilbur E Gray
Colonel, US Army (Ret)

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