
Wednesday, November 2, 2011


FALL-IN! ™ Is again in Lancaster Pennsylvania in 2011, at the Lancaster Host. You will notice that the convention takes place on Halloween Weekend, Halloween being on the Monday after the show.

The theme for this years show is US Cavalry: From Horse to Helo. The theme is, in the vein of last year's Marine Corps Theme, both a tribute to our fighting men of the U. S. Armed Forces, and an opportunity to encourage games amongst a wide range of conflicts. The United States Cavalry have been involved in American history from the Revolution up to current engagements. While the theme can't possible encompass every gamers preferred period or theatre, it does offer a wide range of possibilities:

 - The American Revolution
- War of 1812
- The Mexican-American War
- The War Between the States (a.k.a. "The American Civil War")
- Various American-Indian Wars
- World War I
- World War II
- Vietnam
- Korea
- Desert Shield/Desert Storm
- Current Involvements

Andy Turlington
FALL IN ™ 2010 Convention Director

(What was cool about this one.. the figures in the center stayed stationery throughout the game, while the terrain pieces moved down the board to signify that the figures in the center were moving...)
The Great Retreat 1812

Dealers Hall

Flames of War in the Desert

Skirmish Game

The battle of Albuera, 1811 turned into a deadly slugfest resulting in a major French victory, but no real breakthrough by the French territorially. The Spanish Guards showed remarkable tenacity, defeating repeated assaults from the Polish Vistula Lancers, and standing in square being literally erased by French artillery fire. At one point a major Spanish assault saw the loss of three Spanish senior commanders including Blake, Lardizabel and Ballesteros, as defending French battalions poured murderous volley's into their ranks. Whilst the cavalry action was undecided, with first one then the other side achieving an advantage, the support of Lefebure's RHA seemed to be swinging the result in favor of Lumley against Latour-Maubourg, enabling the British, and remaining Spanish to retire from the field unmolested by the French cavalry.

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