
Saturday, September 10, 2011

National Capital Model Soldier Society, 50th Anniversary!

Our 50th Annual show will be held September 10, 2011

The 50th Annual Washington Show will be held this year on September 10th at the Northern Virginia Community College Ernst Cultural Center.
What's New for 2011
In addition to the Col. Washington 50th Annual Show figure and the Special Awards, the NCMSS will also be introducing new award medals (gold, silver and bronze) for the Advanced Divisions.
These medals have two faces. On one side is a rendition of the U. S. Capitol and on the other is a replication of an imposing bronze equestrian statue of Gen. George Washington that commands Washington Circle, in Washington, D. C. The statue was sculpted by Clark Mills and depicts Washington at the Battle of Trenton. It was installed in the center of the circle on February 22, 1860.
The medals each have a color-filled ring separating the outside lettering from the central design. The colors correspond to the award: blue ring with gold, red ring with silver and white ring with bronze.
This will be the NCMSS' fifth logo/medal redesign.

I got to see my good friend Keith once again. His talk on military painting was excellent & informative! You'll notice the new painting I purchased which is on the Yahoo Group now as well as I'll post here.

My new artwork! "The French Attack On Marengo" On the evening of June 13th, the French attacked the farm hamlet in an attempt to gain the superior defensive position along the Fontanone creek which flowed just to the north and west of the buildings of Cascina Marengo. The sucessful attack set the stage for the main battle which would occur the following day.
Some of the painting contestants works to follow!

Being a RANGER this one appealed to me!

Some lovely EUREKA "AWI" figures at Guilford Courthouse!

I'd like to thank Keith and his wife Libby as they made for an excellent host & hostess! Here's looking to next year, and a game with Keith soon. I'll keep you posted!

Dear Friends and Patrons

I will be exhibiting both original paintings and canvas glicee prints at the

National Capitol Model Soldier Society's
50th Anniversary Show

Saturday, September 10th, 2011

This miniature society is one of the oldest of it's kind in the United States.
For those who appreciate the miniature art form, this will be an exceptional exhibition.
This year's show will be at the

Ernst Cultural Center, Northern Virginia Community College
8333 Little River Turnpike ( Route 236)
Annandale, Virginia
As the Keynote speaker, I will be giving a power point presentation titled, " Historical Art-Capturing the Past ".

The 45 minute lecture is full of artwork and images from Meissonier to Remington. The presentation then continues into the present day
with an explanation of the traditional processes that I use to create works today.

For more information on this show please visit the society's site at;

Best wishes and I hope to see you soon, Keith Rocco
Keith's e-mail which I posted to the Yahoo Group is above!

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