
Monday, August 29, 2011

My new 2nd gaming space!

It's been over a year since I tragically lost my home to arson, but good things come to those who wait they say! Just wanted to share with you all and thank you for your encouragement and support! Cheers,


My main gaming area!


And my NEW 2nd area. The tables are deceiving! They're actually 6-1/2' x 4' and a 7' x 3'.

My work / research / storage area. Notice my old "RANGER" flag. 

Scenery storage space!

One gaming area that can be pulled out 12' x 7'. With A/C.


A  second improvised table 6 1/2; x 4'. More tables chairs coming soon means more table area space for any size gaming.

Some artwork done by a friend over 30 years ago! Along with music speaker!


My armies to be assembled and my old hand made "1976 Revolutionary War" reenactment musket!

Home sweet home.

Now to get gaming! "Mess with the Best, Die like the Rest"


  1. Nice set-up. Very neat and tidy too! Beats mine hands down. Sorry to hear about the fire. You must be relieved to have everything in order again.

  2. Well, I wouldn't say entirely in order the way I want it, but at least it's a start! Cheers,


  3. Looks good. It's great that you have the tables to accommodate so many players.Or a really large multi-table scenario.
