
Friday, April 29, 2011

A small victory for Quatre Bras!

Objection de démolition de la ferme des Quatre-Bras!

Although the original of this post was way back in February I wanted to provide you with an updated status as to the current situation. I had been wondering what the outcome had been myself for a while. Then today I received the following; (Although my French is horrible I provided a somewhat simplified translation provided by Babelfish. )

Subject: Ask for licence of town planning - IMMO RPM Firm of the Four-Arms of Baisy-Thy By the present one, we notify to you the refusal of licence of town planning of last April 19. Yours sincerely

This email n' engage of anything the Commune of Villers-the-City. Only a mail with heading duly signed by the Burgomaster and the communal Secretary is valid

Bottom line the license was not approved! So Quatre Bras survives for now, but for how long is the true question?


Objet : Demande de permis d'urbanisme – IMMO RPM

Ferme des Quatre-Bras de Baisy-Thy

Par la présente, nous vous notifions le refus de permis d'urbanisme du 19 avril dernier.

Bien à vous


Administration Communale de Villers-la-Ville
Responsable du Service de l'Urbanisme
Rue de Marbais 37 - 1495 Villers-la-Ville
Tél. 071/87.03.68 - Fax 071/82.71.39


Subject: Asking for licence of town planning -

IMMO RPM Firm of the Four-Arms of Baisy-Thy By the present one, we notify to you the refusal of licence of town planning of last April 19. Yours sincerely,

Ce message électronique n'engage en rien la Commune de Villers-la-Ville. Seul un
courrier à en-tête dûment signé par le Bourgmestre et le Secrétaire communal est

Monday, April 11, 2011

There is strength in advertising!

I posted the earlier thread below about "PROJECT HOUGOUMONT" and almost immediately received this response from Frank Preziosa the HMGS East Cold Wars Director and HMGS Treasurer; Which only goes to prove that there's strength in advertising.


Frank Preziosa here,

HMGS Cold Wars Director and HMGS Treasurer

We would like to know how we at HMGS and Cold Wars can participate.
We can add a link to the shirts, or perhaps sell them through our conventions, Historicon, Cold Wars and Fall IN! as well?


Frank Preziosa
Director HMGS Cold Wars

Project Hougoumont will be in attendance at SALUTE!

At Salute this year Project Hougoumont will run a raffle and sell t-shirts to help raise funds for the restoration of the Hougoumont Farm, pivotal to the British defences at Waterloo. A t-shirt will cost £10 and will also give you one entry into the raffle. 1 entry will cost £2.00 and 3 entries for £5.00
If you buy a t-shirt and pay a further £5.00 you will get 5 entries instead of 4.
Prizes include;
  • A complete 15mm model of Hougoumont from Hovels For Models Ltd
  • 5 boxes of French miniatures from Victrix Ltd.
  • 5 boxes of British Miniatures from Victrix Ltd.
  • 3 boxes of Napoleonic figures from Perry Miniatures
  • boxes of Napoleonic figures from Perry Miniatures
  • boxes of Napoleonic figures from Warlord Games Ltd
  • 2 musket balls actually used in the Battle of Waterloo
  • a voucher from Grand Manner Ltd
  • a computer game & DVD combo donated by Carl King
  • Kr Multicase item
  • Selection of wargaming accessories from Renedra Ltd
  • A selection of Waterloo based prints donated by Steve Stanton
  • Items from Models For Sale (Raunds) Ltd
There will also be special prints signed by famous persons including the current Duke of Wellington which will be given away to anyone donating a set amount on the day.
Please help us to continue our restoration of Hougoumont by supporting us if you attend salute this year.
Thanking you in advance,
Carl King
Wargaming Representative for Project Hougoumont

Saturday, April 9, 2011

TooFatLardies release "A la Bäionette"!

A la Bäionette provides twenty-one historical scenarios for Napoleonic gamers based covering the entire period of the wars of Napoleon, from 1796 to 1815.

Each scenario comes with historical background, briefings for both sides along with victory conditions, a map of the tabletop and a full order or battle based on extensive historical research.

The emphasis is on providing playable enjoyable games that suit your situation, so the scenarios are broken down in to three types. The majority are suitable for an evening at the club where you want to complete play in two or three hours.

The second group is scenarios for four or five hours and the last, smaller group, is for scenarios that could be played over an entire day.

Naturally we reccomend these for use with Le Feu Sacre, our Corps level rules, however we do provide notes on converting the scenarios for other rule systems.

The following scenarios are included:

Caldiero, 1796
Trebbia Parts One and Two, 1799
Hohenlinden, 1800
Austerlitz, 1805
Sokolnitz, 1805
Anklappen, 1807
Medina de Rioseco, 1808
Teugen-Hausen, 1809
Abensburg, 1809
Maria, 1809
Anderklaa, 1809
Znaim, 1809
Salamanca, 1812
Utitsa, 1812
Castalla, 1813
Eisdorf, 1813
Hagelburg, 1813
Mockern, 1813
St Pierre, 1813
Plancenoit, 1815

This supplement totals 123 pages and is specifically designed for pdf format to allow you to print out the individual briefings and get playing.\

A la Bäionette is the supplement for;

Le Feu Sacre covers Divisional and Corps level actions in the Napoleonic era, from 1792 to 1815, with the basic manoeuvre element a battalion and the smallest command level is Brigade.  The rules have been developed over many years to give a truly representative view of the warfare of the period, with the gamer placed in the position of a Corps or Army commander. 

Ideally played with figures from 6mm to 15mm, Le Feu Sacre focus on the importance of command and control on the battlefield combined with the impact of what Clausewitz calls battlefield friction.  The result is a set of rules that is fast and enjoyable to play, but also captures to true feel of the period.

TooFatLardies Sharp Practice videos!

TFL thanks for the link. I've watched these videos and they've answered almost
all of my questions from the rulebook.

Winner of the TMP "Best Historical Wargame for 2008" Award, Sharp Practice is a set of rules for wargaming the actions of literary heroes, with swashbuckling advantures in the black powder age. It allows the gamer to fight large scale skirmishes between 30 and 120 figrues per side.

SP was designed primarily for the Napoleonic period but can be used for other campaigns, with rules for North American indians, colonial types, small boat actions and cutting out parties, as well as a section on Napoleonic drill on the wargames table.

Designed with a figure to man scale of 1:1 in mind and forces of less than half a company but will work well for small actions with larger forces if a diferent figure is used & the Big men (leaders) are of higher rank. Examples exist of it being used for actions involving several battalions or squadrons.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Bassano 1796, AAR #6 Conclusion!

This game was one of the finest games I've played in in quite a while! All the participants took their tasks seriously and attempted with the utmost vigor to carry them out thoroughly. 

I can't say enough about the fine EUREKA "French Revolutionary War" range and the excellent "CARNAGE & GLORY II" rules system. See my glowing tribute on TMP here;

The Left Flank advances

The enemy tries at all costs to defend Bassano

My troops advance as well

A view from the enemy perspective

Another view as the French advance on all fronts

I've virtually removed all hedges and continue the assault

My opponent attempts to hold out

Several enemy forces flee

Some hide behind a stone wall

The CENTRAL BUA finally falls

The battle continues as both sides grow weary

The Austrians survey they're options

Bassano the "Main Objective" still holds

The Austrians are starting to crumble under the French numbers

Starting to bring more pressure to bear

A view at ENDEX

Although the French forces did well time expires and it remains a Phyrric victory as the Austrians remain in control of Bassano. No Austrian troops remembered to exit the Map! A GREAT game and fun was had by all! 

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Some of my recent purchases!

Empress Dragoons of the Imperial Guard

Line Infantry uniform

Artillery Officers uniform 1820's

Some of you may have noticed my abscence from blogging, yahoo group, gaming, etc.... as of late! That's because I've been busy trying to rebuild my collection due to a lot of it's loss last year due to the fire. Here's some of the items I've been busying myself with as of lately. Enjoy!